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Maths at LPPS

Maths at LPPS

Our aim is to instil a love of maths in our pupils and for them to understand the relevance and purpose of mathematical skills within their lives and the wider world. Staff and pupils work towards developing automaticity and fluency within maths. This is taught through real life contexts to enable pupils to apply their understanding, reason about maths, problem solve and make connections across the curriculum. Our maths curriculum is based on White Rose which is a whole-class mastery programme designed to spark curiosity and excitement and help children develop confidence in maths. Teaching sequences are based on small steps to ensure a confident level of understanding, application of understanding and transference of skills to a range of mathematic problems and contexts.

Children are taught in mixed ability groups, with all children accessing the same learning objective; manipulatives, representations, guided teacher support and other techniques such as pre teaching are used to ensure that all children succeed. Mathematical concepts are introduced in a variety of ways to deepen the children’s understanding, for example: representations in pictorial and abstract forms whilst also using concrete manipulatives. Children learn in a language rich classroom environment where both collaboration and independent enquiry are valued. 

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